Rough & Ready

The past few months have been spent getting to know a particular musical instrument. It is one I have had for a long time. A Framus 12 string guitar purchased in a junk shop many years ago.  Purchased more for its appearance (a beautiful vintage tobacco sunburst finish) than any music making capabilities, it has spent most of the preceding years in storage in cupboards and in attics.  So I polished it up and restrung it and was gratified to hear this guitar has a surprisingly rich and resonant sound.

So I’ve been exploring the guitar’s potential – and recording these musical adventures as I go. 

As I listen back to these recordings, I’m struck by how rough and ready they sound, but it is nevertheless a raw and honest sound which captures the fleeting excitement, the directness and spontaneity of these musical encounters. I might have been tempted to tidy them up a bit – to edit and filter the buzzing notes, the sometimes questionable intonation, the odd rhythmic falterings …

But with refining, there comes a loss – a danger of kicking the life out of the music. The music becomes ‘safe’ – less on the edge. These pieces seem to have a life of their own. There is always a continual movement, almost like a stream of water, just minding its own business. All I have to do is go with the flow.

So these are not presented as polished recordings. They are more an index of possibilities for future music making. Have a listen below. You are also welcome to download them for free: